Whether or not you choose Face Cloud Engine, the social web equips advertisers with much more consumer data points than ever. This might improve the targeting and relevance of online advertising, but ONLY if you can discern the trends from the infoglut.
Location-based advertising will continue to grow in 2011 as Facebook expands the technology with its location platform, Places.
These days the dreams jobs are at Facebook and Twitter. As Facebook and Twitter start generating more revenue, advertising and marketing talent will start heading West to cash in.
Influence Peddlers Will Be the Celebrities of the Social Web. YouTube’s Partner Program is being joined by new services such as Klout to create an official layer of social credibility.
It’s cheaper to keep and please the customers you have, than acquire new ones.
Less is More means Smaller is better. Path has shown us the potential of limiting our social networks to 50 people. Fast Society is a new iPhone communication service that allows the user to create small groups to text with on the fly, and the groups last for three days.
Facebook’s new Groups feature allows us to segment our friends into personal, professional and interest-based communities. More of the smaller, closed networks will launch in 2011 as people seek deeper connections online.
The number one new buzzword for 2011 is emerging... "Mobile Local" is the new frontier defining search and advertising via cellphones. Check out the latest news and resources for Mobile-Local-SEO
Meanwhile, here's an amazing snapshot of 2010's top 10 views on Youtube. :-)
What's TVisio? (no, it is not an Italian bean bag) When I created TVisio.com years ago, I was a TV producer, so "TVisio" was a logical reflection of my experience in broadcast media. As TV and Internet merge, mutate and innovate, a confusing number of choices compete for attention. My curiosity for the latest gizmos, gadgets, web innovations, predictions and assorted techno-marketing analysis are springboards for my research of DIY-Economic-Stimulus. Here's what you can expect from me and TVisio.com in 2011.
(1.) Research and Create original content (See Face Cloud Engine)
(2.) Enable delivery
(3.) Empower access and usability for friends, clients and partners.
TVisio & SBI are 'innovation' partners to individuals and organizations. SBI (Site Build It) champions new advancements and innovations in eLearning and makes them accessible to a growing audience.
What makes Site Build It! so much better than ALL old-fashioned small business hosting solutions? Dr. Ken Evoy's "Way of the Turtle"
Look and Compare SBI to Brand X .
All The Best,
TVisio.com: DIY-Economic-Stimulus features Meaning Based Digital Art and Artist-Entrepreneurs .
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